Teacher in Charge: Miss N. Ivanovic.
Recommended Prior Learning10ADS or 10ART or both.
Own laptop is advantageous.
This course involves a combination of Design and Photography.
Students will learn how to generate, develop and rene their visual ideas within a thematically based programme.
Students will have the opportunity to extend their perceptual and creative skills as they engage in learning fundamental principles both traditionally and digitally in Design and Photography.
Students will need regular access to the Adobe Suite, including from home.
Level 2 Art Design, Level 2 Photography
You can become a photographer
Career PathwaysSecondary School Teacher, Photographer, Animator/Digital Artist, Diversional and Recreational Therapist, Aeroplane Pilot, Artist, Tattoo Artist, Film/Television Camera Operator, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Conservator, Curator, Graphic Pre-press Worker, Lighting Technician, Visual Merchandiser, Exhibition and Collections Technician, Florist, Primary School Teacher
Contributions and Equipment/StationeryMost materials are supplied but others are required as personal stationery.
The school can provide professional printing and stationery costs for the year at $10
We can provide Adobe Creative Suite License for $10.00